- Pretty Good Solitaire


Does anyone have a winning number for Carlton? Thanks!


  • Whenever I post a request for a winning number, I solve the game the next time. It happens EVERY time! LOL

    Btw, the winning number I just played was #9. (Richard, do you want to post the Beatles song?)

  • No. As your post was addressed to "anyone" ....

    Okay Ken, see if you can bring my partial home. 😋

    Btw, I'm going to be introducing tariffs on full solutions for all US citizens until Trump is dethroned. He's so anally retentive he must have to spend a lot of time in the shitting position. 😁

  • #3 is also winnable.

  • Funny story: the first five I played I thought to myself what a difficult game and then I reread the rules and I was playing with only putting a king in an empty pile, but I didn’t want to go back and replay the ones that I already done. First rule of fight club besides not talking about fight club is READING THE RULES! Lol

  • Our stats for Carlton #1-1000 were 70% winnable. Remarkably, the 800's had a 90% win rate. Played in 2013.

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